Contact Us

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email at

Address: L-73, Diamond City Gulshan-e-Maymar, Karachi Pakistan.


How can I access my designs?

Immediately after purchase, "Download" button appears on the checkout page.

What license is included?

All downloads come with our personal and commercial-use license.

Will my download links expire?

No, your download links will be valid forever. We provide lifetime access for all our products.

Can I resell these designs?

These designs are to be sold on shirts and printed merch only. This means your customer's can buy your shirts with our designs on them. The design files themselves cannot be sold like we're selling them in this bundle.

Can I use the designs on my Print On Demand store?

Yes, you can use the designs on any printed products on your Print On Demand store.